The ECAN Advantage

Joining Epoxytec’s Certified Applicator Network (ECAN) can be the key to assisting contractors in expanding their lining portfolio and enter the world of manhole rehabilitation. This arena of infrastructure is unique, with distinctive needs to combat the elements that lie below ground and cause deterioration of concrete and brick manholes.

Coatings and linings can serve to restore these structures, but not all are created equal. Epoxytec’s CPP line is designed specifically for this type of environment, where hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and inflow and infiltration (I&I) can cause significant damage. Epoxytec’s high strength applied and bonded lining solutions contain advanced microfiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) technology cured with enhanced mechanical properties.

Applicators like the technicians at Blackwell’s, Inc., who attended Epoxytec’s Certified Applicator Network training in March 2023, were trained to address the intricacies of these types of applications and the benefits of Epoxytec’s CPP product line. During the one-day hands-on training, the team advanced their knowledge of Epoxytec’s flagship product, CPP, and learned application methods for both CPP Trowel-Liner and CPP Sprayliner.

Shortly after their training, Blackwell’s,Inc. secured and executed successful CPP Trowel-Liner applications to rehabilitate manholes with severely degraded concrete. The sealed manholes within this sanitary sewer collection system will provide asset protection in the form of I&I abatement and corrosion protection.

Experienced contractors like Blackwell’s Inc., and many of the other talented, hardworking applicators within ECAN, pride themselves on customer service. By joining ECAN, contractors connect to a network of likeminded contractors whose skillset, knowledge, and work ethic are hard to match.